Monthly Archives: May 2011

#6. A ‘Focused’ Approach

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The essence of good strategy is to have ‘focus’ and to ignore distractions.  This will be reflected by clearly defining Programs and the intended audience, and also publishing who may not benefit from the Program.

Designing a Program that is for ‘everyone’ or a ‘broad’ audience is not an invalid strategy.  The reason for our ‘focus’ is simply to increase our chances of being effective and also to make it easier to shift focus if there is no benefit in offering a Program for a defined audience.

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between understanding audience needs and having a well defined Program.  One will invariably lead to and reinforce the other.

If there is no benefit, then there was an error in audience selection, or gaps in Program definition or finally, faulty execution.  The situation to avoid, in our eyes, is that people sign up for a Program and then find it is ‘not for them’.

The Programs we offer are not for everyone, by design, it is our responsibility to educate our audience the best we can.


#5. Designing Programs for Immediate Impact

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Organizations and individuals want to see results today and not a day later.  In a fast paced world, very few can afford to systematically and methodically build the knowledge base and competencies to deliver results.

To enable immediate impact, Programs will be designed as follows:

  • Clearly identify and define the problem or opportunity being addressed.
  • Define the audience for the Program.  The audience must either have the pre-requisites before beginning the Program or acquire it during the Program.
  • Provide tools, techniques and frameworks that can be applied right away to the real life problems and opportunities.
  • Keep it simple, provide the minimum required information and not overwhelm the audience with every single topic related a concept.
  • Provide a way to measure progress and uncover areas of improvement in participants.
  • Provide a way for participants to continue learning after the Program is over.

There is a business aspect to designing and delivering Programs.  Therefore, we will invest only in Programs that have a demand and there is a positive ROI.  We will avoid Programs that ‘sound cool’.

Paradoxically, getting results quickly requires change and we all know resistance to change can be a real barrier to progress.  Therefore, the Programs will provide tools and facilitate change in addition to teaching the ‘what’ and ‘how to’.
