#238 The Losada ratio

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It is generally accepted that being positive is better than being negative. However, positive and negative outlooks are facts of life. You can speculate on whether an outlook adopted by any given person is driven by nature or nurture. Is there a limit to the amount of positive or negative thoughts beyond which it is harmful to you? Is there an optimal ratio and range that can be quantified?

Personally, I don’t care, and propose that neither should you. The Losada ratio attempts to quantify the optimal ratio of positive to negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Per Dr. Marcial Losada, there is a range outside which people will have poorer outcomes at home and at work. Meaning, if your positive outlook is way more than your negative outlook, or if your negative outlook is way more than your positive outlook, you are headed for trouble.

Interestingly, Dr. Losada attempted to formulate a mathematical model to explain this, and was immediately challenged by his peers, who took exception to his methodology. From a cursory review of the material around this topic, I conclude they are both right, and between them I am sure they can figure out how to present the concept in an acceptable way. Or not.

For you, however, the message is simple. Your work life will have positive and negative moments. Develop your awareness of your inner feelings and outer behavior, and monitor the ratio. Just attempting to calculate this ratio for yourself will raise your awareness. Find the tipping point where the ratio is proving unproductive or dysfunctional. It is not necessary to quantify this ratio or wait for someone to prove it beyond a shadow of doubt. If you find the range for yourself, you can show others how to do it as well.

Thank you CD, I heard about the “Losada ratio” from you. I dedicate this blog to you, one of the most positive and grounded person I have the privilege of knowing.


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