#275 Rate of learning

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When hiring or evaluating talent, a key metric is, “How much do the candidate know?” This is useful, because those who know more, will presumably do more, and make fewer mistakes. Another metrics is, “How much have the candidate done?” Meaning, those with a track record of accomplishments are likely to repeat their accomplishments.

Both metrics have flaws, as every experienced professional knows. The world is changing rapidly, new technologies, new techniques, and new methods are being introduced. The same problems are being solved differently.

A new metric to consider is, “What is the rate at which the candidate learns?” The learning is both in knowing and doing. A high rate of learning means the candidate will adapt and grow. If you need someone short term, hire a contractor or consultant, and pay them for deliverables. If you are looking to grow your organization, you need talent that will help you grow the organization, and not just solve problems.

Those with a higher rate of learning will outgrow those who know more, or those who have done more, but are content to rest on their oars.


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