Category Archives: Books

#100 Blog Post #100

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This is blog post #100.

Sounds like a big milestone, but its only been three months of daily blogging. I did let it slip a couple of days but got back on track. “They” tell me consistency is key in blogging. That is not only true for blogging, and useful in other parts of work and life as well.

I share my daily insights in these blogs. I target readers who execute (or are trying to execute) business strategy in the workplace. The current theme is to find applications for my book. At some point, I may transition to other themes relating to strategy execution.

Thank you for reading, please invite your friends who you think might benefit from reading these blogs.


#22 Why write the book (part 2 of 2)

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Parts of the previous blog, announcing the book, was written tongue in cheek.

A more serious reason is: I was (and still am) very curious about what it takes to create leaders. Is it nature (leaders are born) or nurture (leaders are made)?

To some extent, it does not matter. Leaders are important. Go become one. In your spare time continue ruminating on the nature versus nurture question.
