Terms and Conditions

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Last modified: August 14, 2011

(By enrolling for our Programs, by accessing our Programs using an App for Mobile Devices or our Web Site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below.  This agreement can be changed at any time for any reason whatsoever and without notice)

  1. This agreement is between an enrolled student (hereinafter “STUDENT”) and the Strategy Execution Institute® (hereinafter “INSTITUTE”).  When a STUDENT successfully completes their first Program with INSTITUTE, they will be termed as “ALUMNI”.
  2. A person is considered an “enrolled student” if they have registered for a Program, regardless of whether the Program is free or requires payment.
  3. This agreement is entered into based on the following assumptions:
    1. STUDENT wishes to improve their abilities and competencies to deliver results in executing business strategy.
    2. STUDENT agrees that development of competencies to deliver results in executing their business strategy requires consistent application of skills and demonstration of specific behaviors (hereinafter referred to as the “DO”).
    3. An understanding of facts and concepts relevant to executing business strategy (hereinafter referred to as the “KNOW”) provides a strong rationale and justification for application of skills and demonstrating such behaviors.
    4. If such skills are applied and behaviors are demonstrated consistently, they will become part of STUDENT’s personality (hereinafter referred to as the “BE”) and will leads to an increased ability to executing business strategy.
  4. STUDENT understands and accepts that to gain the full benefits, a Program needs to be attended in its entirety with active participation.
  5. STUDENT and INSTITUTE shall, for instructor led programs, meet at a time and place mutually agreed upon.
  6. STUDENT commits to take every step and make every effort to attend sessions and meetings.
  7. STUDENT commits to diligently perform assignments provided by INSTITUTE:
    1. A new assignment(s) will be provided each week. STUDENT will perform assignment for one week and will strive to complete it before the next meeting.
    2. STUDENT will submit a summary report every week, as per format provided by INSTITUTE.
    3. STUDENT shall provide feedback on their experiences to INSTITUTE.
    4. STUDENT will record their experiences and observations and learning’s in a personal diary.  STUDENT is not required to share this personal diary with INSTITUTE.
  8. STUDENT agrees that nothing in this agreement implies transfer of title to the material, or any intellectual property rights to this APP or the WEBSITE or the Program or the materials provided to STUDENT.
  9. If  INSTITUTE has reason to believe that STUDENT has lost interest or is unable to benefit from a Program, INSTITUTE shall un-enroll STUDENT from the program and remove access to online course materials. The following are provided as examples and not as a complete list of reasons:
    1. STUDENT misses sessions without providing an explanation and without providing a plan for make up.
    2. STUDENT does not complete assignments on time without providing an explanation and without providing a plan for make up.
    3. STUDENT  continuously disrupts sessions by asking questions or raising discussions that are not relevant to the agenda or goals of the session.
    4. STUDENT is unable to practice the skills and behaviors taught in a Program, for any reason whatsoever.
  10. When a STUDENT successfully completes the first Program, they will be termed as ALUMNI of the INSTITUTE.  ALUMNI will be provided benefits per the discretion of INSTITUTE.
  11. To successfully complete a PROGRAM, a STUDENT must do the following:
    1. Attend all sessions for instructor led programs, unless instructor agrees in writing to excuse attendance for a specific session.
    2. Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
  12. All discussions will be focused to improve STUDENT’S ability to execute business strategy in  a “work” environment (as opposed to a “social” environment or “home” environment).
  13. What the Programs are NOT:
    1. INSTITUTE shall not provide, as part of a Program, unless agreed to specifically in writing, advice of a “consulting” nature, e.g., no advice on how to specific problems that STUDENT is seeking to address shall be provided.
  14. STUDENT acknowledges that due to the large number of variables at play, there can be no guarantee that a Program will provide any benefits of any kind.
  15. STUDENT takes full responsibility for their actions and acknowledges that INSTITUTE will not be responsible for any consequences as a result of anything done by the STUDENT to implement the lessons learnt in a Program.
  16. During a Program, INSTITUTE shall be sharing copyrighted and confidential information:
    1. STUDENT agrees to respect the copyrights and shall not share the content received as part of a Program with anyone.
    2. This clause does not apply to content available in the public domain.
  17. STUDENT will highlight copyrighted and confidential information prior to sharing it with INSTITUTE:
    1. INSTITUTE shall respect such copyright and confidentiality and not share it with anyone.
    2. INSTITUTE prefers not to receive any copyrighted or confidential information from STUDENT, unless it is absolutely essential to the discussion.
    3. This clause does not apply to content available in the public domain.
  18. The course material for a Program will be stored online on WEB SITE. The WEB SITE will require STUDENT to register with the site and create a login id and password.
    1. STUDENT agrees to provide registration information that is accurate and up-to-date.
    2. STUDENT agrees not to impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when registering and/or setting up an account on WEB SITE.
    3. If  any of STUDENT’s registration information changes, STUDENT agrees to update it by using the appropriate update mechanism on WEB SITE.
  19. STUDENT agrees not to do the following in connection with use of WEB SITE:
    1. Transmit any message, information, data, text, software or images, or other content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, racist, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, or otherwise objectionable that may invade another’s right of privacy or publicity.
    2. Impersonate  any person or entity, including but not limited to, a forum leader, guide or host or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent STUDENT’s affiliation with a person or entity.
    3. Post or transmit any Material that STUDENT does not have a right to reproduce, display or transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as nondisclosure agreements, trade secrets, copyrighted material).
    4. Post or transmit any material that contains a virus or corrupted data.
    5. Delete any author attributions, legal notices or proprietary designations or labels in any material uploaded by STUDENT.
    6. Use the WEB SITE’s communication features in a manner that adversely affects the availability of its resources to other users (e.g., excessive shouting, or flooding continuous posting of repetitive text).
    7. Post or transmit any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail”, “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes” or any other form of solicitation or any non-resume information such as opinions or notices, commercial or otherwise.
    8. Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law.
    9. Manipulate or otherwise display WEB SITE by using framing or similar navigational technology.
    10. Register, subscribe, attempt to register, attempt to subscribe, unsubscribe, or attempt to unsubscribe, any party for any product or service offered by INSTITUTE if STUDENT is not expressly authorized to do so.
    11. Disrupt, overwhelm, attack, modify, reverse engineer or interfere with WEB SITE or its associated software, hardware and/or servers in any way, and you agree not to impede or interfere with others’ use of WEB SITE.
    12. Frame the content of WEB SITE. STUDENT agrees not to use metatags or any other  “hidden text” that incorporates INSTITUTE’s trademarks or name without express written consent.
  20. STUDENT agrees to take full responsibility for actions that occur using STUDENT’s login and password.
  21. STUDENT agrees not to share their login id and password to the online course materials with anyone for any reason whatsoever.  STUDENT understands and acknowledges that this is necessary for the following reasons:
    1. Sharing the online course materials may expose the copyrighted materials to misuse.
    2. Allowing anyone other than the STUDENT to login using STUDENT’s login and password may expose the information about the other participants, leading to undesirable and unintended breach of privacy.
    3. If any person randomly reads the course material online and reads it without understanding the context and without opportunity to clarify intent, may not experience the full benefits, may experience undesirable consequences; and may make conclusions about the program’s effectiveness with insufficient information.
    4. When sharing login and password information with others, STUDENT has no control over further sharing, thus increasing the problems highlighted above.
  22. STUDENT shall not sub-license, transfer, sell or assign their login and password, and/or this agreement to any third party.
  23. STUDENT agrees to inform INSTITUTE immediately upon coming to know of unauthorized access to WEB SITE using STUDENT’s login and password by sending us an email.
  24. STUDENT agrees that by providing or posting any materials to WEB SITE, its forums, or sending us an e-mail or contacting employees of INSTITUTE:
    1. STUDENT grants INSTITUTE an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty free, non-exclusive worldwide license to use the materials both within WEB SITE and in any other manner.
    2. The license extends to adapting and editing the materials, as well as copying, distributing, publicly performing or displaying, and otherwise transmitting them in any media.
    3. STUDENT agrees that INSTITUTE may derive revenue and/or other remuneration from the content provided by STUDENT or posted to the WEB SITE without payment  or compensation to STUDENT.
    4. INSTITUTE also reserves the right to remove any posts and comments for any reason whatsoever, without providing oral or written notice.
  25. WEB SITE may contain links to other websites that INSTITUTE thinks may be of interest to STUDENT. INSTITUTE is not responsible for and has no control over these other sites or their content. STUDENT agrees that the other website is governed by its own user agreement and privacy statement, which STUDENT agrees to read.
  26. STUDENT agrees to indemnify and hold INSTITUTE harmless against any loss or damage (including reasonable attorney fees) incurred by INSTITUTE as a result of any claim for defamation, or invasion of copyright, trademark, right of privacy, right of publicity, or any other right brought against INSTITUTE based upon actions of STUDENT.
  27. Third parties may offer content and services, and STUDENT may be subject to third party terms and that third parties may enforce terms against STUDENT.
  28. STUDENT acknowledges that if the if the online course content is accessed via a mobile device, carrier rates for phone, data and text messaging may apply.
  29. STUDENT agrees to review the privacy policy for WEB SITE.
  30. STUDENT agrees to keep the details of this agreement confidential.
  31. Strategy Execution Institute®, Strategy Execution Playbook® and SEBOK® are registered trademarks of Chasingtales LLC.  Strategy Execution Body of KnowledgeTM is a trademark of Chasintales LLC.  All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners.
  32. If STUDENT believes that content appearing on WEB SITE constitutes copyright infringement of another party’s rights, STUDENT agrees to send an email with details of the concern.

(This agreement can be changed at any time for any reason whatsoever and without notice)
