Monthly Archives: January 2013

#19 Asking for the order

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Every sales person is drilled on “asking for the order.” Even if the answer is “no” you will get something valuable: the reason for the “no.”

This answer will tell you what your audience really thinks about your idea. Your audience does not understand you, or they do not agree with you, or they are not willing to invest in you. Maybe they are busy and the answer is “not now.” This information is solid gold, and will be given if you are open and will not use it against them.

So go ahead, ask for that favor, request the approval, or whatever it is you need. Over time, you will improve how you ask, you will prepare better, research better. Don’t wait till you have all your ducks lined up, unless you can tell with certainty that you know how many ducks are left to be lined up and how long it will take.

If you commit random acts of violence without a demand, you will be a psychopath. If you commit an act of violence and have a ransom demand, you will be a criminal. If you have a business purpose and present your case properly, you will be admired as a leader and professional. Even if the answer is “no.”


#18 Strengths and Weaknesses

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Peter Drucker taught us to feed strengths and ignore weaknesses (well, maybe he used different words). This advice is easy to understand, but difficult to implement.

For one thing, if you are a leader faced by incompetence or mistakes, your first instinct is not compassion. You need stress relief, and you take out your frustrations on the hapless co-worker who did not meet your expectations.

Perhaps you don’t want to face the fact that you did a poor job of delegating in the first place. Perhaps you are embarrassed because you committed yourself while depending on your co-worker to deliver.

Yes, you must hold your co-worker accountable for their part (for misleading you or just being plain clueless), but do not ignore your part. Otherwise, you have just assured that history will repeat itself for you.

Don’t forget, while your co-worker may be remiss in their duties, you have to build on your strengths and avoid your weaknesses as well. One of your weaknesses may well be dealing with your or your co-worker’s weaknesses.

Don’t over analyze, just start by being mindful.
