Monthly Archives: January 2013

#13 What do you do?

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If you try something new, you are considered “bold” or “adventurous.”

If you give it up after a while, and try something different, you are considered a “dilettante.”

If you stick with it, but do it in your spare time, you are pursuing a “hobby.”

If you are generating assets, and hope to cash in some day, you are making an “investment.”

If you are working full time for remuneration, you are pursuing a “career.”

If you do something systematically, skillfully, and with discipline, you are a “professional.”

If you are doing something because you can, you might be “reckless.”

If you are doing it without any regard to success or failure, but simply to express yourself, you are pursuing a “calling.”

The only question that remains is: how would you describe what you do today, and are you looking to change how it needs to be described?

Okay, that is two questions, but you get the point.


#12 Passion, ownership, and accountability

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These words are sometimes used interchangeably, unintentionally.

If you or your co-worker show “passion,” it means you/they are excited about something, and are willing to give their energies to do something.

A feeling of “ownership” is useful, as then there is something to “protect” and preserve. You/your co-worker will take action to guard an idea, an asset, or whatever it is you “own.” However, you/your co-worker will take a loss or give up ownership when faced by pain or a greater benefits.

“Accountability” is the most desired attribute. With accountability you and your co-worker will take initiative, take charge, and show creativity. You and your co-worker will create something out of nothing and make magical things happen. You/your co-worker will not give up your stand, and do what it takes to meet goals. You/your co-worker will stand up and be counted.

In leadership situations, when you assess support for your ideas, look for accountability. Don’t get fooled by mere passion or ownership.
