Monthly Archives: January 2013

#31 Sign up mentors and coaches

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Plants need tending, otherwise they will wilt and die, or rot. Especially the ones that are useful either for aesthetic value (pretty flowers) or sustenance (food). There are a few exceptions (cactus).

While it is not a perfect analogy, I hope it gets the point across. When creating a leadership bench, organizing training programs is just one element. You also have to create a support system that will cheer, encourage, motivate, and course correct. Much like a support group for recovering alcoholics.

When you set up your support group, you will discover:

  • Role models, or lack thereof.
  • Role models who cannot coach.
  • Good coaches who do not want to coach.

You need to fill this gap with urgency. The support system has to be within the organization, and cannot be external. The leadership lessons need to be retained in the organization to begin the virtuous cycle of improvements.

The support group is critical because leadership training creates change agents. By definition, change agents are disruptive. If the change agents are not encouraged to drive change, they will revert to their old behaviors, rendering your investment in leadership training worthless.


#30 Leaders falling on grenades

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This is a good way to separate the wheat from the chaff, when it comes to evaluating leaders in your organization.

When faced by tough problems, which leader employs skill, and which leader employs brute force? There are times when brute force is necessary, just watch sports which involve contact (American football, wrestling), but the best in that business know that skill and technique is more sustainable and injury free.

Use of brute force may be employed by martyrs, who sacrifice themselves to gain sympathy for defects in their work output (not to mention personality flaws). In the right circumstances, sacrificing yourself can gain you immortality or fame, but that usually can happen only once (you die in battle) or comes at great personal cost (you lose a body part while saving someone from harm).

Now go back to your list of leaders and score each one to show the degree to which they employ skill and the degree to which they use brute force.
