This next exercise will measure “contribution” of your leaders.
For each person on the two lists you have (see earlier post), ask the following three questions:
- What percentage of their output is due to explicit instructions or orders? Meaning, you asked them to do something, and they did it.
- What percentage of their output is are things they did over and above what they were asked to do? Meaning, not only did they do what you asked them to do, but they did more, and with flair and creativity.
- What percentage of their output is incremental? Meaning, the output is something that would not have happened without their involvement.
This is a measure of “output” not talent or potential. It is not a measure of skill, much of what they achieved could be pure luck.
Thus, an additional measure is “consistency” and “repeat ability.” Award or take away points based on whether they can produce the outputs again, with the same quality. There is nothing “good”or “bad” about this, it is a matter of what is expected of each individual. The expectation is different for junior and senior people.
Now review the two lists and move names from one to the other based on your new insights. Before you present your findings, be sure to apply this metric to yourself.