Monthly Archives: January 2013

#21 Why I **had** to write the book (part 1 of 2)

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Leadership in Strategy Execution™

Leadership in Strategy Execution

10. The book will become a best seller and I can retire.

9. I have this deep urge to tell everyone what I learned about the subject.

8. “Published author” has such a nice ring to it.

7. I had this burning desire to understand what it takes to publish a book, end-to-end.

6. I got tired of dysfunctions in the workplace and amused myself by making notes, then converted that into a book.

5. Updating my resume is such a chore, I can now get my future employer to buy my book, read it, and hire me. (Revenue + Job = Priceless)

4. My writing sucks, what better way to improve it than to write a book!

3. I could not find a decent end-to-end “how to” book on leadership to train myself.

2. I got tired of the pain and suffering in the workplace and decided to do something about it.

1. When my boys come home from work and need help, I’ll have a better chance of understanding them, and suggesting things to try.


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#20 Compatible styles

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You work hard to develop your skills, knowledge, and attitudes. In spite of your best efforts you have communication gaps with co-workers.

Assuming it is not a skill issue, it is most likely due to style. Oil and water have trouble mixing and blending, only a serious chemical intervention will fix that problem.

In reality, the inability to adapt to different styles of co-workers is perhaps the real problem. You can choose to treat this like a skill issue or treat it like a personality issue.

Skills are easier to acquire, personality is harder to change. But that does not mean you should not try. Sometimes that is all you can do. Perhaps not trying hard enough is the bigger deficiency.
