Is that possible?
Basketball is a “no contact” sport. It says so in clear terms in the rule book (I used to be a basketball referee). Yeah, right.
Basketball is a fast moving sport where bodies collide, intentionally and unintentionally. When they collide, a penalty is assessed. Fouls are committed strategically and tactically. Sometimes a “hard foul” is committed (no one will admit to this) to take out the star player on the opponent’s team. A good clean game is not only rare, but it may well be boring.
Same situation in the workplace. Watch out for sharp elbows, be ready with your own. HR has the whistle, and they sometimes will blow it (pun intended). Some infractions go unnoticed. Super human efforts to prevent a problem go unrewarded. Don’t sacrifice yourself unless you are playing for the Olympic gold or the World Championship.
Why? Because in those examples you are playing for your country, for the team, for something bigger than yourself. In all other cases, it’s only a job.