No one comes to work with the intent of failing. Or with the intent make others fail. I have heard many people say this to themselves, and say this to others. The tone has been less of wisdom, but more of desperation. It was said with an attempt to keep themselves together, and from falling apart.
In an interdependent world (I not sure if an alternative world exists), every action has a reaction, it also has a chain reaction. This leads to the following “laws of imperfection:”
- You and your co-worker will “mess up” because you are unaware that you are creating a problem. I.e., out of sheer ignorance.
- You and your co-worker will do things to “set things right” or to “get even” or to “right a wrong.” I.e., out of sheer lack of self control (of emotions and actions).
- No matter how hard you try to improve yourself, educate and train yourself, and do things right, you will make mistakes. As will your co-workers.
- When you finally find the “right way” after a lot of hard work, your co-worker will find some way to break your solution, or find a way to irritate or annoy you. As will you to your co-worker’s efforts.
How you deal with these realities is the story of your life. We call your efforts “leadership” to make it sound important and special. In other words, “leadership” is what you display in the workplace, it is up to you whether you display it well or display it badly.