Monthly Archives: May 2013

#142 Using frameworks

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Frameworks are useful, but they are often misunderstood. There is no shortage of frameworks, every self respecting organization has one. We have one too! Why are frameworks loved and why are they ignored, even mocked?

Frameworks are excellent analytical tools. They help you understand the problem domain. They help you see the problem in different ways, and more quickly. As you know, speed (to insight) is king in the modern workplace.

The problems arise when you expect frameworks to be applicable out-of-the-box or to be predictive. Frameworks cannot do this, no matter how good they are. If you have found one, please let us know in the comments below. You cannot force yourself or your organization into a framework.

The real problem is that you want to abdicate your responsibility to think. In the need for speed, and the need to be productive, you try to give up thinking, but you are trying to automate the wrong things. Automating your thinking and decision making takes time to get it right and will work for only those situations that can be well defined and reasonably static.

So go forth and harvest frameworks. Adapt them, evolve them, create your own. Use it to improve communication, collaboration, and planning. That alone will save you a lot of time.


#141 Campbell Leadership Model

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A presentation that explains leadership models and its application in the real world can be a joy to watch and give you lots of ideas. I think you will like this YouTube video:

Campbell Leadership Model

The main takeaways are: You need to define a model. Then you need to communicate it. Check in periodically to make sure it is working.

Coherence and clarity are critical. (The 3 C’s of a Leadership Model? :-))
