Monthly Archives: May 2013

#140 How does culture develop?

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The study of culture is important for two reasons: it determines the productivity of groups and it determines their mental well being. After the basic needs are met, mental well being becomes paramount, and the “reason for being.”

Culture develops in three ways:

  • The founder sets the pace and tone for the organization. This could be for an organization or a country. In the case of a country, it could be a bunch of people who get to write the constitution.
  • The guy in charge. This could be the CEO or the head of a department. Yes, different departments can have different cultures in the same organization. Same goes for teams too. A country/company may have its culture and values documented, but if a looney tune takes charge (quick, how many can you list!) the country/company is slowly but surely trashed and development goes backwards in time. This is a new form of time travel, but I digress.
  • The “mob.” In the absence of a strong leader “democracy” takes over. Opinions reign over facts, superstition reigns over science. Meetings are chaotic and decisions are slow. Bureaucracy reigns. It is a lot of work to organize information and takes a lot of rhetoric to convince a lot of people about the right thing to be done.

There are a lot of opinions about what is the “right culture.” The right culture is whatever works best for the customer and for the psyche of the people working in the organization. If every individual can live their life to the fullest, it is a great culture, no matter what someone else thinks.

You don’t invent culture, you discover it. You can’t adopt a cultural trait because it sounds cool, it has to come from within. Then you nurture it, until someone comes along who is strong enough to defy Newton’s laws of motion (applied to culture), to shake things up. This happens in corporate turnarounds. It also happens in very successful companies, sometimes in the wrong direction.

Corporate brainwashing of those who are not a cultural fit rarely works.


#139 Extreme awareness

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As you develop personal “awareness” you become more and more mindful of yourself and your surroundings. You pay attention to what you are doing and saying. Your actions become very refined. High levels of proficiency are achieved typically thru hard meditation, but if you do not have time to meditate, it does not hurt to do it the best you can on a day to day basis.

In the workplace, you need to have “extreme awareness” of the following:

  • Your customer: Who is this guy? Or gal? What do they want? Why do they want it? When do they want it?
  • Your competition: Who else is trying to get to your customer before you?
  • Your capabilities: Do you have what it takes to make and keep a promise to your customer? This includes money, equipment, and talented people. Do you need hard skills? Soft skills?
  • Your operations: Do you know the steps to create your product or service and deliver it to your customer?
  • Your financials: What actions generates revenue? When does revenue become cash? How much cash do you need on a daily basis?
  • Your risks: What events are likely to bust your business model and your bubble? Which of those events are likely to happen and when? Are there trends you need to look out for?

Just as meditation teaches you, awareness starts with “observing.” Great designers, scientists, and poets produce memorable artifacts and they all start with observation. Observe the above in your workplace to get started.

The beauty of awareness and observing is that it forces you to be in the moment. When you are in the moment, there is no time to think about failure or success. You are left only with the joy of pure performance.
