Monthly Archives: September 2013

#250 Too much of a good thing

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Being in the moment is a sure way to find happiness. Those who live in past cannot let go of the good time and the bad times. They live their life in the past over and over. Those who dream of a better future are always dreaming, and lack the action to solve today’s problems.

Obviously, overdoing anything can be detrimental. A certain amount of analysis is required to learn from the past, and a certain amount of planning is required to prepare for the unexpected.

Yes, spend most of your time being in the moment, because that is all you have. But pause in sufficient doses to reflect about the past and plan for the future. Reflection and planning are needed for self-defense and motivation.


#249 Will the real bottleneck please step forward?

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Here is a hypothesis that I want you to test. In your workplace (as in every workplace), you have goals to meet, and some goals are met and others are not met. Some processes work well and others don’t. Some systems work flawlessly, others break down at unexpected and inconvenient moments.

Your real bottleneck is not your processes, systems, shortage of money, or shortage of resources. It is more than likely an individual.

I define a bottleneck as someone who is content with the status quo, finds it hard to change, has no creativity, no interest in developing themselves, cannot take a broader perspective, has no depth, does not stay current with best practices, creates more obstacles than he or she removes, and generally is more negative than positive in their outlook.

Before you look around for bottlenecks, look in the mirror to double check if you are a bottleneck. Better stop being a bottleneck before you point out other bottlenecks in your workplace.
