#153 When does work “happen?”

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Everyone I know dreads those long meetings. The ones where there is a lot of talk and no conclusions. Lots of statements are made, best classified as “motherhood and apple pie.” Conflict averse discussions take place. No decisions and taken. No clarity is achieved.

Things get done when a “project” is initiated. With a definite goals, start and end date, and constraints, a project is an excellent leading indicator of whether work will get done.

The workplace is full of projects, some are small (can someone please refill the coffee machine?) and some are large (how about we buy that company?) Many projects are not called a “project” (hiring an employee).

The key benefits of projects is that they have goals, deliverables, milestones, and roadmaps. In short, you’ll have clarity on what needs to happen and by when.

Not every project will succeed, but without a project, nothing will get done. You can start a project prematurely, so be sure to organize a kick off. If there is no sponsor, alignment, and commitment, then you don’t have a project.


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