#61 “Sense of urgency” versus “Life and Death”

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These are not the same. But you knew that.

Then why do you and your co-workers not get it right? Meaning, why do you behave as if every situation is ” life and death” when it is merely “urgent.” Okay, maybe not “merely,” but you get the point.

The first reason is “you don’t know!” Develop your awareness. Improve your analysis and analytics. Get your facts right on business impact before you commit to an opinion or action. It’s okay to trust your gut, provided you have a handle on your emotions.

A second reason is “fear.” Self awareness will fix a certain percentage of your fear (“see, no ghosts under the bed”). Some percentage of your fear may require therapy and counseling. The rest of your fear can be overcome with coaching, and education. thus, be open to feedback and be “coachable.”

Start with getting the difference right. Once you can tell the difference, the rest will follow.


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