Category Archives: External links

#240 Meta learning

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How do you become aware of and gain control over your habits and change your behavior? How do you perceive, inquire, learn, and grow by internalizing what you have learned? Turns out, there is an explanation for the process, it is called meta learning. Understanding your meta learning patterns is important because you will become aware of and take control of your learning.

The learning process is agnostic to the subject you are trying to learn. If you are aware of how you learn, you will be able to modify your approach to optimize your learning experience and speedily apply what you have learned.

In short, how you learn is as important, if not more important than what you learn.


#228 “Action, not words”

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The Chinese environmental activist Wu Dengming had this motto for his organization, Chongqing Green Volunteer League.

“Action, not words.”

A quick review of his obituary in The Economist shows that he lived by these words.

Did he create the motto and then work to live by them, or did he choose a motto describing his core values and behavior?

It does not matter. What matters is that his motto and behaviors were consistent and aligned.

What is your motto? What are your behaviors? Are they consistent and aligned?
