Monthly Archives: January 2013

#15 Golf or Basketball?

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This has to do with what you think is the ideal environment for productivity.

If you play basketball, there are time limits, elbows in your ribcage, and hands in your face. The game moves with a speed where thought becomes a luxury. During timeouts, the coaches yell and plead, but it is unclear what difference that makes on the players. Time pressure requires strategy and tactics to be created swiftly and communicated with clarity. Cheering fans can help or hurt your cause, either way it can be a distraction.

If you play golf, you have time on your hands. Pick the club you need, everyone stands back and silence reigns. No distractions, just you and the ball. Shadow practice your stroke all you want before you attempt it. There are no bad calls by referees, the rules are very clear. Your success is clearly dependent upon how well you hold our nerves.

So which one is easier?

Which environment do you execute your strategy in? Do you wish for one when you have then other?

Time to stop wishing, either switch your work environment or start doing what it takes to execute your strategy.


#14 Need to know versus want to know

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As a leader you have to drive change. You have to connect and communicate with your audience.

You may tell them what they want to hear to win their trust. Most people like and respect those who look like them and talk like them.

Real change requires people to hear messages they need to hear. If you sound different when asking for change, it is natural, you are speaking “differently.” If you ask for change while sounding like your audience, they might feel you are manipulating them. If you stick out too much, you risk rejection and even banishment.

To drive change, you have to be bold, be creative, commit yourself, and find a way to get your audience to listen, and act with accountability. Martyr yourself only in extreme circumstances. Most situations in the workplace require a systematic and methodical approach to change, it is not necessary to go on a crusade to get your job done.
