Monthly Archives: February 2013

#58 Sniff test for assessing leadership readiness

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How do you select a candidate for leadership positions? There are ways to measure it using surveys, 360 degree feedback, and of course, the gut.

Here are two ways to determine a person’s natural readiness:

  • Does he or she require supervision? Or does he or she work independently? If the latter, then it is more likely they are ready for higher positions.
  • What is the quality of the output? Are there are lot of defects, and is re-work required? Unless the tasks are clearly R&D or “experimentation,” this is a bad sign.

Someone who requires low supervision and produces good quality work will have the strong foundation (self confidence, track record, credibility) required for higher responsibilities. The next thing to check is:

  • “Fire” or “desire” or “ambition.” This shows the intrinsic motivation of the individual and will reveal potential. Do they have a burning desire to achieve? Or to go to the next level? If you invest in someone who does not have intrinsic motivation, you will be throwing good money after bad.

By all means collect data using formal methods. It does not hurt to validate hypothesis, and look for consistencies in multiple points of view (or lack thereof).


#57 Starting point

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Does the starting point matter? After all, if you take a systems approach, everything is interconnected. No matter where you start, you are going to touch the other dots at some point.

You may want to select a starting point based on the following:

  • Your customer has passion around a subject, or is experiencing a pain point that needs immediate attention.
  • There is a natural sequence to things, for example, you have to put on your socks and then your shoes. It can never be the other way around.
  • There are some realities that obey the laws of physics in the short term, for example, size of your budget, your market share, an unreasonable boss, and organization capabilities.

The ultimate test is the intangible one: “What makes sense?” Will there be a natural momentum or will you have to invest in persuading your coalition to build the momentum?

Whatever it is, please pick a point and get started. Analysis paralysis will get you knowhere (pun intended).
