Monthly Archives: May 2013

#132 Lessons from a 4-Star General

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Listening to a 4-star general speak can be an awesome experience. After all, he has more experience, more courage, more accomplishments than a lot of us mere mortals. More important, he has lived to tell the tale. Thus it was no surprise that General Stan McChrystal had a few leadership nuggets to share in a keynote address that I had the honor of attending:

  • We are surrounded by uncertainty. It can be stressful or depressing. Whether you act out of faith, or just act, it is your duty to get out there and deal with it.
  • A focused and disciplined approach is needed to understanding and appreciating the need to change.
  • Responsibility is a burden. You have to bear it, not avoid it.

Here is my favorite:

  • The more different you are from another person, the more time you need to spend understanding this other person.

This last advice solved a puzzle for me. Some relationships are like oil and water (think “bad marriage” or a “bad boss”). While it is easy to abandon the relationship, or escalate the conflict, or just give up, knowing it is not meant to be, a more challenging endeavor is to spend time understanding the other person. Difficulties will arise because you don’t have knowledge or information, or because you have trouble seeing the world differently.

Don’t go overboard to follow this guidance and don’t stress out when you face hardship. Show focus and discipline, and the common sense to take frequent breaks to recharge your batteries.


#131 Manual work to report numbers

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Manual reporting is a pain. It takes long hours of repetitive work, evenings, and weekends. No matter how many times the data is checked, and re-checked, something goes wrong. Don’t you hate it when your audience finds a mistake in your numbers? “Human error” can be avoided only by automation or by checks and balances. But automation takes time and costs money. A more frugal method (the one I favor the most) is to provide transparency. Read this article for some interesting background.

The lesson for you, dear reader, is as follows. If you are requesting a report that is generated manually, check and double check the numbers. If you accept the numbers, you are responsible for mistakes. As the above article shows, some very smart people have made mistakes with numbers!

Data and reporting is messy business. In this case, you need to get involved in how the sausage is made. Ultimately, its not about the numbers. Understanding the numbers will help you understand the business. By staring at the numbers, and understanding how they are generated, you will ask meaningful questions, and have meaningful conversations.You will then spend the right amount of time and money on generating the numbers. Just ask the folks from Finance why SOX is “popular” target for automation.

The myth of an antiseptic presentation with clean numbers on a good looking slide, with neat conclusions, and standing applause, is just that. A myth.

If you are an executive, ask for a summary, and recommendations, but dig into the numbers. If you are presenting, don’t take the “digging” as anything other than a good thing.
