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An earlier blog post pleaded with you to be not hesitant. The whole point is to communicate with impact. If you don’t want to make an impact, why bother to speak up? If you need to speak, don’t be hesitant.
The reality is that you may be unsure from time to time. That’s okay, state that you are unclear, describe what you are unclear about, but don’t be hesitant.
To remove hesitation when you communicate, try these tips:
- Prepare for the communication. The more you prepare, the more you’ll be ready. You can “over prepare” so don’t overdo it.
- Develop your confidence, act like you belong, and remove the reasons for your low confidence. You don’t need to fake it till you mean it (but that works too sometimes), genuinely improve your confidence from the inside out.
- Learn how to communicate. Speaking is a skill, there are definite techniques to follow. Don’t learn it the hard way, take training or read books to shorten your learning cycle.
If you sound hesitant, your audience will wonder why they should be listening to you.