By now, you are probably ready to begin training your leaders. After all, there is something called “analysis paralysis.” Bear with me as we go thru a couple of foundational elements required to maximize ROI on your training investment.
It goes without saying that training is an expense (we’ll have more to say about this later). You must be careful with who you train, otherwise not only will you be held accountable for wasting time and money, but you will frustrate your co-workers as well. Don’t lose your credibility and don’t go on a crusade!
Go back to your lists and put a mark against those who are:
- Exemplary leaders, or adequate, and ready to go to the next level.
- Those who struggling to meet minimum requirements.
Rearrange the names between lists if necessary.
Now for an important step: how many of the names on your list will be ready to receive training and development input of any kind?
There could be valid reasons for not being ready to receive: they are in the middle of a project, a vacation looms, health issues etc.
If they are not ready to receive because they are not open minded or “coachable,” have a heart to heart with them as well as their manager. It is not that such people cannot be trained, but they need to be put on notice that the organization is watching, and ready to help. But the employee needs to meet the organization half way, and be ready to receive.