#86 Creating and sharing the plan

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The maturity level of an organization is often visible via the planning process. Publishing a plan is scary stuff. In most organizations it commits you and any deviations can (and will) be held against you. If this is the case, only the very brave or the very foolish will make a plan.

The strong ones among you know that a plan is a mere baseline, and the assumptions behind the plan mean more than the plan itself. You are not afraid to publish Service Level Agreements, point out the critical capabilities you need, and prioritize your effort keeping the best interests of the organization in mind.

The fact that a person is publishing a plan shows a higher level of confidence and maturity. The ability to control anxiety among stakeholders when the plan changes and evolves is a sign of executive presence. The ability to negotiate and obtain resources is a sign that your plan is aligned with the highest priorities. The ability to make a plan that works is a sign that you understand what it takes to execute your strategy.


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